test 1 | color
test 2 | black
It is beautiful to watch people waving their hands in the world cup stadium. The rhythmic, colorful movements of their hands together creates jaw dropping visual experiences.
Here, this is an attempt to create a similar behavioral system of lines that moves or rotates based on the mouse position and direction.
Keep waving!
Coalescence Lab
Processing sketch.
//COALESCENCE LAB | RESEARCH INITIATIVE | 2014//////// //WAVING GRID LINES//////////////////////////////// //CHEERS/////////////////////////////////////////// PFont myFont; void setup() { size(800, 800); smooth(); myFont = loadFont("Calibri-Light-48.vlw"); textFont(myFont, 30); textAlign(CENTER); } void draw() { background(0); for (float i =20;i<60; i +=1) { for (float j =20;j<60; j +=1) { pushMatrix(); fill(100, 0, 0); rectMode(CENTER); stroke(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255)); strokeWeight(i/50); // noStroke(); fill(9, 0, 0, 50); ellipse(10*i, 10*j, 2, 2); translate(10*i, 10*j); rotate(PI/180*(mouseX+mouseY)/2); line(0, 0, i*mouseX/320, j*mouseX/320); popMatrix(); } } fill(255); text("Coalescence Lab | Waving grid lines", width/2, height-50); } //COALESCENCE LAB RESEARCH INITIATIVE _2014//////// //WAVING GRID LINES//////////////////////////////// //CHEERS///////////////////////////////////////////---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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